General Wellness

Resveratrol – Why This Antioxidant Should Be On Your Radar

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Have you ever heard of resveratrol? If not, then pay attention – because this super nutrient is an absolute game-changer! Part of a group of compounds called polyphenols, resveratrol boasts powerful antioxidant properties that protect your body from damage and reduce the risk of various diseases. It has gained attention for its potential health benefits, which include anti-aging effects, cardiovascular support, and anti-inflammatory properties. While it’s famously associated with red wine and grapes, resveratrol is also found in blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, peanuts, and the herb Japanese Knotweed. It’s also conveniently available as a dietary supplement! Let’s dive into the fascinating world of resveratrol and uncover how it can enhance your health and well-being.

The French Paradox

Let’s start with the intriguing origins of resveratrol. Have you heard of the French Paradox? In the 1980s, a discovery was made that the French people had a high dietary intake of cholesterol and saturated fat but had low rates of death by coronary heart disease (1). As you may know, higher intake of saturated fat and cholesterol is typically linked to a higher risk of heart disease. However, the finding that the French did not seem to have a heightened risk for death by heart disease contradicted this premise. In researching what makes the French unique in this aspect, it was considered that the French may have red wine to thank for their decreased risk of cardiac morbidity. This is believed to be due to the polyphenol (antioxidant) content of red wine and grape derived products, specifically due to their resveratrol content.

Benefits Of Resveratrol

Resveratrol is a powerhouse of health benefits. It has been shown to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, glucose and lipid regulatory, neuroprotective, and cardiovascular protective effects. These help to protect against diverse chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), cancer, liver diseases, obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease (2). There are mountains of research papers on the effects and roles of resveratrol, and unfortunately this post can’t cover them all. However, there are some interesting findings that I’d like to share with you.

1. Resveratrol ANd Cardiovascular Health

Resveratrol shows promise for treating metabolic syndrome, which includes conditions like hypertension, obesity, inflammation, diabetes, and high cholesterol, all of which increase the risk of heart disease (3). Additionally, resveratrol intake has been linked to a decrease in fasting blood glucose, triglycerides, and heart rate (4). However, its effectiveness depends on the dose, treatment length, and timing. More extensive human trials are needed to understand the long-term effects of resveratrol supplementation and determine the best treatment strategies (3).

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2. Resveratrol And Inflammation

This mighty compound has shown potential for anti-inflammatory properties. A study published in Antioxidants in 2023 reported that resveratrol seems to help regulate cell division and reduce inflammation (5, 6). It also plays a protective role, reducing the risk of certain diseases. A significant protective effect was found for resveratrol from grapes but not from wine. The reduced risk could not be explained by alcohol intake or general fruit benefits, suggesting a specific protective role of resveratrol (7).

3. Resveratrol And Obesity

Can resveratrol help you shed those extra pounds? While some studies have found that resveratrol intake was linked to weight loss, these result were inconsistent across studies and difficult to cross-validate (8). Further research is required to elucidate the effects of resveratrol on body weight. If you’re taking resveratrol and you happen to lose some weight, great! But this supplement is not for you if your primary goal is weight loss.

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4. Resveratrol and Memory

Want to boost your brainpower? Resveratrol might help! A 2023 study that reviewed the literature on the subject of resveratrol and cognition found that chronic resveratrol intake does seem to positively impact cognitive parameters. However, the researchers did not conclude on what dosage and duration of supplementation is necessary to experience results (9).

While the exact dosage and duration remain unclear, several studies have shown promising effects of resveratrol on brain health and cognitive function. For example, an article published in the Archives of Medical Science noted that resveratrol treatment can help improve blood flow in the brain, make brain blood vessels work better, and might even help people think and perform better on some tests (10). It also seems to lower certain levels of plaque-forming proteins in the blood and brain fluid (10). This can be advantageous for preserving memory, because plaque buildup is one of the characteristics of Alzheimer’s disease. Overall, the article concludes that resveratrol seems to have a positive effect on cognitive decline.

Similarly, a study in Clinical Nutrition, found there to be cognitive benefits of taking resveratrol supplements (11). This study focused on postmenopausal women. After a 2 week pilot study delivered promising results, the researchers conducted a 2-year study where they tested the results of taking resveratrol for a year against taking a placebo for a year. Their findings showed that 75mg of trans-resveratrol daily enhanced cognitive function, cerebrovascular function, and insulin sensitivity in postmenopausal women.

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The Risks Of Resveratrol

Resveratrol is generally well tolerated. However, large doses of resveratrol (above 1000mg) may cause side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain (12). As with any supplement, talk to your doctor before starting supplementation, especially if you have any health conditions or take regular medications.

How To Choose The Best Resveratrol Supplement

Ready to add resveratrol to your routine? Here’s what you need to know: resveratrol has low bioavailability, meaning your body doesn’t absorb it efficiently. This means that even when you take a large dosage of resveratrol, you only receive the benefits of a very small amount of resveratrol. For these reasons, to get the best results, you should look for trans-resveratrol with piperine.

Trans-resveratrol is a particular form of resveratrol that is more readily absorbed by the body. This specific arrangement, known as an isomer, is the most biologically active form of resveratrol (13). Because of its greater stability and bioavailability, trans-resveratrol is thought to be more efficient in providing the health benefits associated with resveratrol. In other words, the body can use trans-resveratrol more effectively, potentially enhancing its benefits. For even better results, Piperine can be added to the supplement because this black pepper extract that has been shown to increase the bioavailability of resveratrol (14).

At Research Verified, we strive to provide the best supplements available. Therefore, you’ll find that our resveratrol supplement provides a large dosage of trans-resveratrol with piperine for optimal absorption. Our dosage of 1000mg per daily serving is as high as it can be without increasing the risk of unpleasant side effects. Additionally, we don’t include just any piperine in our supplement – we include BioPerine®, which is a highly studied black pepper extract that is standardized to a minimum of 95% piperine. For added antioxidant benefits, Research Verified Resveratrol also contains 250mg of Vini-X™, a grape wine complex that is standardized to 95% polyphenols.

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So, what’s the bottom line? Resveratrol is an incredible compound with a broad range of health benefits. From providing antioxidant activity to improving metabolic syndrome, protecting memory, and fighting inflammation, resveratrol is bursting with potential. Although there is still much to discover, and no set dosage has been determined, this shouldn’t stop you from enjoying the perks of this antioxidant. Whether you’re adding more grapes and berries to your diet or choosing a high-quality supplement, resveratrol is definitely worth having on your radar!

Don’t Wait For Better Health – Take Action Today!

Emily Anderson is a nutrition writer from Scranton, Pennsylvania. As a member of the 5 a.m. club, she does most of her writing before the sun comes up. When not writing, Emily enjoys spending time with her family and scouring the latest self-help books for pearls of wisdom she can share with others.

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