Brain atrophy refers to the decline in cognitive function as a result of aging, categorized by the loss of brain cells and important connections between them (1). This natural state of cognitive decline is unavoidable, but you can prolong the health of your brain and keep it young for longer by training it in the same way that you would train a muscle. In this article, we discuss how to keep your brain young through the integration of a few simple lifestyle habits into your daily, weekly, or monthly routine.
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Stimulate Your Mind
Arguably the most essential step to strengthening your brain is stimulating your mind in order to regularly activate important cognitive functions. The easiest way to do this is by practicing puzzles, math problems, and other brain exercises every morning. The simple jigsaw puzzle is an example of a stimulative activity that can support your brain, and medical professionals cite this task as a means of reducing stress and improving memory (2). You can also download mental activity apps on your mobile, which create an interactive and engaging space to train your brain and stimulate your mind.
Take brain-supporting Supplements
You can strengthen your brain efficiently by taking supplements that support cognitive function. Supplements like Research Verified® Brain Booster contain ingredients that boost cognitive function, such as Huperzine A, DMAE, and L-Tyrosine (3). These ingredients and others found in this particular formula can improve concentration, enhance neuroactivity, promote brain plasticity, and support memory recall, to name a few benefits. Bear in mind that you can keep your brain young for longer by combining the consumption of this supplement with several of the other tips mentioned in this article.
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Engage in Physical Activity
Exercise supports the body in a variety of ways. It encourages blood flow, subsequently ensuring oxygen is efficiently transported to the brain, providing the brain with energy to carry out important cognitive functions. Regular exercise can also support the hippocampus, an area of the brain responsible for memory recollection and learning (4). The many health benefits associated with exercising include lowering blood pressure and improving cholesterol levels, which also have a pivotal role in keeping your brain young.
Take Charge of Your Diet
Besides supplementation and exercise, you can support the health of your brain by taking charge of your diet. Your diet plays a crucial role in your body’s health by providing it with essential vitamins and nutrients that support different functions. When it comes to the health of your brain, a Mediterranean diet can significantly improve cognitive capabilities and defend the brain against dementia and other disorders (5). The Mediterranean diets center around fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, seeds, and other foods that can supply the brain with beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin B, and more.
Balance Your Blood Pressure
Balancing your blood pressure is an important strategy for supporting your brain health. High blood pressure, or hypertension, can damage the blood vessels in the parts of your brain that support memory and other cognitive abilities. This damage can lead to serious cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer’s Disease. To balance your blood pressure, you can turn to supplements, a healthier diet, and regular exercise. These strategies that we have already mentioned should help you maintain regular blood pressure levels for a healthy brain.
Regulate Your Blood Sugar

The brain plays a role in regulating glucose levels throughout the body by sensing hormones and nutrients that move through internal passageways. As such, research suggests that blood sugar levels can have a significant impact on the brain and vice versa (6). Therefore, you should do your best to regulate your blood sugar by cutting simple carbohydrates, processed foods, and other high-sugar products out of your diet.
Combat High Cholesterol
More scientific evidence is shining a light on the ways in which cholesterol levels impact the brain. Balanced cholesterol levels promote the production of essential compounds within the body responsible for defending the brain against atrophy and conditions like Alzheimer’s Disease (7). Therefore, you should do your best to combat high cholesterol by reducing stress in your life, changing your diet to include more healthy foods, exercising to combat rising levels of anxiety, and introducing mindful practices like meditation and yoga to regulate your mood. All of these activities can support regular cholesterol development, helping you keep your brain young in the process.
Ignite Your Imagination
There could be a link between age-related cognitive decline and our reduced use of our imagination as we grow older. As kids, we would regularly stimulate our brain through exploring our imaginations, which promotes synaptic growth and improves neuroplasticity. Therefore, we should continue igniting our imaginations well into our adult life to keep our brains young. But how does one go about doing this? You could play story-based video games, participate in role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons, or pursue artistic endeavors like painting or crafts. There are many ways to stimulate your imagination and strengthen your mind, you just need to start thinking outside the box.
Listen to More Music
Studies into the link between music and brain health suggest that listening to specific types of music can greatly improve your memory recollection, learning ability, and other cognitive functions. Listening to calm and soothing genres like classical music can relax the brain and promote cognitive wellbeing (8). Listening to repetitive music without lyrics like chillhop can help one retain information better while studying. And listening to eccentric music like jazz can help trigger the imagination. Be sure to explore all sorts of genres while studying, working, or brain training to find the perfect fit for you.
Read, Read, Read!

Reading is a fundamental way to strengthen the mind and support cognitive function. The act of reading can improve the neuroplasticity of the brain and activate neural networks that help the brain process information, react to sensory stimulation, and prevent damage. Individuals can read non-fiction books, fiction novels, the news, and other forms of media to support the brain. However, fiction may prove the best genre to promote creativity and keep the brain young. Reading the news, for example, can trigger negative emotions that can damage mood whereas fiction books are more likely to inspire the imagination and transport readers into wonderful worlds where their brains respond in many fascinating ways.
In CONClusion
The aforementioned lifestyle habits will keep your brain young and reduce the impact or prolong the development of minor and major cognitive disorders. From stimulating your mind with puzzles to taking supportive supplements, listening to more music, and reading as much as possible, these habits will strengthen your cognitive function for years to come!
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