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A Product To Remember

Research Verified Memory Booster

A Product To Remember

A Product To Remember

Research Verified Memory Booster

A Product To Remember

Ready To Support Your Brain And Enhance Memory?

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Memory Booster At A Glance

Multi-Action Formula

Multi-Action Formula

High-Quality Ingredients

High-Quality Ingredients

Risk-Free Trial

Risk-Free Trial

Powerful Testimonials

Powerful Testimonials

Choosing Research Verified Memory Booster Is A No-Brainer!

Safeguard Past Memories

Studies show the ingredients in Memory Booster support brain blood flow, supply antioxidants, and assist in nerve cell repair.

Remember New Moments

Crafted to help enhance cognitive vitality and foster neuroplasticity for memory retention and sustained learning.

Backed By Clinical Studies

All our ingredients are scientifically backed to ensure that you receive the highest quality supplement on the market.

Transparent Labeling

What you see is what you get. We use only high-quality raw ingredients based on scientific data and clinical studies.

Certified Red, White, & Blue

All of our products are proudly manufactured right here in the USA in an FDA-registered lab with cGMP certification.

Love It Or Leave It

We love our products and we want you to also. If you aren't satisfied, return the bottles within 1-year for a full refund.

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Research Verified Memory Booster Is Simply Better

Research Verified Memory Booster

PureHealth Research Ageless Brain

ANC Brain and Memory Boost

Contains Bioactive B Vitamins

Contains Lion's Mane Mushroom

Contains Ginkgo Biloba

Third-Party Tested For Purity

365-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Customer Memory Lane

Ella Thompson

My short term memory has definitely improved! The number of times I walk into a room and forget what I’m doing there has actually decreased. I feel like Memory Booster has made a real difference and I will buy it again. Read more Read less

Max Bennett

As long as you can remember to take your pills, this supplement can help you remember the rest. I wasn’t consistent with my first bottle but I’ve gotten better and now on my second, I can feel a difference. Read more Read less

Sophie Rodriguez

I spend less time looking for my keys and phone before leaving the house because I can actually remember where I put them! Read more Read less

Daniel Carter

I noticed a significant improvement in my memory retention and overall mental clarity. Highly recommended for anyone looking to give their brain a boost! Read more Read less

Emily Patel

I've struggled with memory lapses for years, but this memory booster has been a game-changer. Thanks to its potent ingredients, I've experienced a noticeable reduction in forgetfulness and a significant improvement in my ability to recall information. Couldn't be happier with the results! Read more Read less

Nathan Walker

I've always struggled with learning new information, but this memory booster has made a world of difference. Not only am I able to absorb and retain information more effectively, but I've also noticed an improvement in my ability to process complex concepts. It's like unlocking a whole new level of learning! Read more Read less

Alice Cooper

As I've gotten older, I've become more conscious of the importance of brain health. This memory booster has been invaluable in my quest to keep my mind sharp and agile. With regular use, I've experienced enhanced cognitive function and a newfound sense of mental clarity. Truly worth every penny! Read more Read less

The Secret To Our Successful Supplement

Higher Absorption = Better Results

Consuming nutrients doesn't guarantee their optimal utilization by the body. Vitamins exist in various forms, with differences in absorption rates. For example, Vitamin B9 can be Folic Acid, 5-MTHF, or other Folate variants. 5-MTHF is the active and naturally occurring form of Folate, whereas Folic Acid is synthetic. Our commitment to optimizing bioavailability and enhancing outcomes is reflected by the inclusion of active forms of each ingredient in our product. Moreover, Memory Booster incorporates BioPerine®, a specialized black pepper extract that is scientifically proven to boost nutrient absorption, further enhancing the effectiveness of our supplement.

Higher Absorption = Better Results

Brain Food

BioB™ Vitamin B Complex

With select B vitamins in their bioactive forms, this complex helps nourish and protect the brain, reduce tissue damage, and decrease the risk of developing age-related memory loss.
It contains:

Vitamin B1 because a deficiency of this vitamin is linked to cognitive deficits.

Vitamins B2 and B3 which have neuroprotective properties and are necessary for the production of brain energy.

Vitamins B6 and B9 (Folate) that lower homocysteine, a protein that in high levels is linked to cognitive decline.

Vitamin B12 which supports cognition and helps to prevent age-related cognitive decline. 1,2,3,4

LionAbsorb™ Lion's Mane Complex

You might not hear this complex roar, but it’s hard to ignore. This complex combines the power of Lion's Mane mushroom with BioPerine®, which is a bioavailability enhancer to speed up results. Studies have shown that Lion’s Mane contains two special compounds (hericenones and erinacines) that can stimulate brain cell growth, reduce symptoms of memory loss, and boost cognitive functioning. Our Lion's Mane is the purest form, taken from the fruiting bodies of this highly beneficial mushroom. 5,6,7,8

Bacopa monnieri Powder

Bacopa monnieri functions like a maintenance worker in the brain. It makes sure that nerve impulses are being transmitted and seeks out the faulty nerve cells for repairs. Studies have shown Bacopa monnieri produces a significant enhancement in verbal learning and concentration as well as an improved ability to acquire, store, and retain memory over time.9


Phosphatidylserine is one of the brain’s trusted assistants. It helps with keeping the cell membrane sturdy while orchestrating seamless communication between brain cells. It also supports neurotransmitter secretion and promotes neuroplasticity, both of which are necessary for memory formation. 10,11

Ginkgo Biloba

This popular anti-aging ingredient helps to prevent memory loss and enhance cognitive processes. Studies have found that Ginkgo Biloba increases cerebral blood flow and provides antioxidant benefits. It may also help reduce neurological effects of normal aging. 12

Green Tea Extract

With high levels of antioxidants, including EGCG, Green Tea Extract helps to protect brain cells from damage caused by oxidative stress. It may also improve memory by enhancing the connections between different parts of the brain. 13,14


Alpha-GPC (Alpha-glycerophosphocholine) contains choline, which is a precursor of acetylcholine and crosses the blood-brain barrier. Alpha-GPC may enhance cognition and reduce the rate of cognitive decline in the elderly.15,16

Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose Research Verified Memory Booster?

At Research Verified, we pride ourselves on ingredient purity, product effectiveness, diligent service, and customer satisfaction. There are hundreds of memory supplements available, but we could not find any that lived up to our standards. That's why Research Verified created Memory Booster - to fill the void. Research Verified Memory Booster is different because it was created based on these 4 principles: 1. Blending Science With Nature: Our products combine nature's finest ingredients with science, ensuring that each capsule you take is both naturally effective and scientifically validated. 2. Providing Top-Notch Quality: All our products are crafted in an FDA-registered, cGMP-certified lab that adheres to the U.S. Pharmacopeia standards. This ensures the highest level of purity and quality. 3. Crafting Unique Formulas: We base our formulas on science rather than marketing trends. Therefore, though Lion’s Mane mushroom is often sold as a standalone product for cognitive health, we saw its potential to work synergistically with the memory-supporting ingredients in our formula. Some of the ingredients in Memory Booster, such as the B vitamins and Green Tea Extract, can be found in other memory supplements, but no other supplement provides the unique combination of B vitamins and Green Tea with Ginkgo, Alpha-GPC, Bacopa, Phostphatidylserine, BioPerine®, and of course, Lion’s Mane. This means that no other supplement can offer the same results as Research Verified Memory Booster. 4. Putting Our Money Where Our Mouth Is: Our confidence is so high that you can try out Research Verified Memory Booster for a whole year! If it doesn’t improve your memory, just return it for a full refund. No questions, no hassle!

How does Memory Booster work?

Research Verified Memory Booster works by combining a range of carefully selected ingredients that target different aspects of cognitive function and memory. These ingredients include vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, and Folate, which are crucial for brain health and energy production. Lion's Mane Mushroom, Bacopa monnieri extract, and Phosphatidylserine are also key components known for their memory-enhancing properties. Additionally, ingredients like Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Green Tea Standardized Extract, and Alpha-GPC contribute to enhanced cognitive function and memory by increasing blood supply to the brain, providing antioxidant protection, and promoting neuroplasticity. By synergistically combining these ingredients, Research Verified Memory Booster supports overall brain health, enhances memory formation, and improves cognitive function, making it a promising supplement for anyone looking to maintain and boost their cognitive abilities.

How quickly should I see results?

The ingredients in Memory Booster start working from the first capsule that you take. However, it may be some time before you start to feel the effects. Results are influenced by many factors such as diet and overall health; therefore, results will vary from person to person. To account for this, Research Verified guarantees Memory Booster for up to a full year, allowing you to give the product time to work without concern that your money-back guarantee will expire.

How do I take Research Verified Memory Booster?

Take 2 capsules daily, with food. For best results, take 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. You may take up to 2 servings of 2 capsules each per day (for a total of 4 capsules daily). As with any type of supplement, consult with your doctor regarding dosage and do not exceed the daily dosage recommendations since this can pose health risks.

Is Research Verified Memory Booster vegan?

Yes, Research Verified Memory Booster is completely vegan and cruelty-free.

Can I safely order over the internet?

Yes. With Research Verified your credit card information is protected by the Norton Shopping Guarantee. Research Verified products are safe to order online, and they also ship quickly and discreetly.

Are there any side effects to watch out for?

Even though this product is generally safe, we always recommend consulting with a physician before starting a new supplement, especially if you have a medical condition, take medications on a regular basis, or are pregnant or nursing.

What is the return policy?

We are so confident that this product is going to work that we offer a full one-year guarantee. If at any time you are unsatisfied with a product you purchased from us, you may return any opened and unopened bottles within 365 days of the purchase date for a full refund, excluding shipping. By having a 365-day money-back guarantee, we hope to show you our belief in the quality and effectiveness of our products.

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