Research Verified Bone Health Support

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If you're tired of wasting your time and money on products that just don't work, then you've come to the right place!


There are literally hundreds of manufacturers online all claiming to have the best bone health supplement. But how do you know who to trust? And more importantly, how do you know which product is actually going to work for you? With all the products out there, you want to make sure you get the highest quality product available, period.

Research Verified® was created to help you find the best possible bone health supplement on the market, according to extensive research. Our team, at Research Verified®, concentrates on the clinical data and actual science to make sure you get the most effective bone health supplement on the market, hands down!

We will guide you through our process of what to look for and what to stay away from. At the end of this page, you will have a firm understanding of which bone health supplement is going to help you and why.

Most Bone Health Supplements Simply Do Not Work


After the many benefits of supplements for bone health have come to light, hundreds of companies are rushing to create their own version of a bone health supplement. However, most of them disregard the research and put together inferior products to try to cash in on the latest trends. Most of these products don't work and can even be dangerous.

Unfortunately, you can't always trust what it says on the label. Most bone health supplements do not actually contain what's on the label. This is why third-party testing is so important, yet most companies ask you to take them at their word. But when push comes to shove, their word isn’t worth much.

We at Research Verified ® tried to make your decision about which supplement to buy simple. How? Well, we did all the research for you. Let us show you what we discovered below...

How Do You Find A Bone Health Supplement That Will Actually Work?


We understand that your end goal is to support your bone health. Plain and simple. And you want the best bone support supplement to help you do that.

You don't want to waste your time or money on something that won't work. So, how do you find a bone support supplement that will actually help you achieve your personal goals?

Stick To These 3 Guidelines:

  1. Make sure it only includes ingredients that have been proven effective in clinical studies. Such ingredients include Calcium, which the body uses to maintain bones, Vitamins D3 and K to ensure the Calcium is absorbed into the bones, Cissus Quadrangularis to speed up healing after breaks or fractures, Soy Isoflavones to help prevent loss of bone mass density, and bone supporting minerals to support bone health, as well as BioPerine® for better absorption and faster results.
  2. Make sure it meets all of Research Verified's criteria for effectiveness, safety, and security. Our team put together a list of requirements to ensure you get the highest quality product.
  3. Make sure it has a rock solid 365-day money-back guarantee which shows how much confidence the manufacturers have in their own products.

1 It Must Conform To The Specific Criteria & The Clinical Studies

Here's what to look out for when buying a bone health supplement. We'll start with the criteria based on current research.

 Here Are The Top Criteria:

  • It must contain bioavailable Calcium, preferably as Carbonate, Citrate Malate, and L-lysinate, to support bone remodeling and density.
  • It must contain Vitamins D3 and K2 to facilitate calcium absorption into the bones.
  • It must contain Cissus Quadrangularis to assist with healing bone fractures.
  • It must contain Soy Isoflavones which have been shown to increase bone mass density.
  • It must contain bone-supporting minerals such as Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, and Vanadium.
  • It should contain BioPerine® to increase nutrient absorption for speedy and powerful results.
  • It must have no stimulants, hormones, or preservatives.
  • It must be made using only pure ingredients.

So, check the label to make sure it meets all of these criteria. If it doesn't, don't buy it!

(click here to see our label)

The formulation that we recommend for supporting bone health meets all of the above criteria!

Apart from the above criteria, here are other factors you want to look out for:

  • Look out for false claims and unsupported facts.
  • Make sure the supplement is made in the USA in an FDA-registered laboratory.
  • Make sure the manufacturing facility is cGMP-certified.
  • Finally, make sure it complies with the US Pharmacopeia's quality standards.

Important Notes

  • It should contain 1000 mg of Calcium: This mineral is one of the most abundant in the bones and it plays a role in bone building and strength.
  • It should contain Vitamins D and K: Vitamins D3 and K2 help with Calcium absorption into the bones while K1 is involved in bone formation.
  • It should contain Cissus Quadrangularis with BioPerine®: This high-absorption combination not only helps with healing fractures but may also slow the progression of osteoporosis.
  • It should contain Soy Isoflavones: These flavones mimic estrogens and fight the loss of bone mass density.
  • It should contain minerals from Red Algae: Red Algae provides bioavailable minerals such as Vanadium, Zinc, and Copper which are minerals that can be found in the bones.

What's In The Clinical Studies:

The supplement we recommend for bone health is a unique formulation which contains the most effective, clinically proven ingredients as used in a variety of clinical studies.

It's important to note that Research Verified® Bone Health Support provides a multi-action formula to support bone remodeling and healing as well as to prevent the progression of osteoporosis. Its formula provides vitamins, minerals, and natural ingredients that are needed for maintaining bone health. There is nothing else on the market that provides the range of benefits found in this unique blend of ingredients.

Many clinical studies have been published in a range of journals which have demonstrated several key ingredients for strengthening bones and preventing loss of bone mineral density.

Extensively Researched Ingredients Proven For Bone Health:

A team of medical doctors and scientific researchers hand-picked each ingredient, based on clinical data, in order to design a product for rapidly providing the ultimate bone health support.

(click ingredient name to open)

Cal-X™ Triple Calcium Complex

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the bones and a deficiency in this mineral can cause bone loss. Cal-X™ contains Calcium as Calcium Carbonate to boost levels, Calcium Citrate Malate which has been shown to slow the rate of bone loss, and Calcium Lysinate which helps support collagen in the bones and improve Calcium absorption from the digestive system.

  • Tang BM, Eslick GD, Nowson C, Smith C, Bensoussan A. Use of calcium or calcium in combination with vitamin D supplementation to prevent fractures and bone loss in people aged 50 years and older: a meta-analysis. Lancet. 2007 Aug 25;370(9588):657-66. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(07)61342-7. Erratum in: Lancet. 2012 Sep 1;380(9844):806. PMID: 17720017.
  • Straub DA. Calcium supplementation in clinical practice: a review of forms, doses, and indications. Nutr Clin Pract. 2007 Jun;22(3):286-96. doi: 10.1177/0115426507022003286. PMID: 17507729.
  • Reinwald S, Weaver CM, Kester JJ. The health benefits of calcium citrate malate: a review of the supporting science. Adv Food Nutr Res. 2008;54:219-346. doi: 10.1016/S1043-4526(07)00006-X. PMID: 18291308.
  • Shankar, K., M, S., Raizada, P., & Jain, R. (2018). A Randomized Open-Label Clinical Study Comparing the Efficacy, Safety, and Bioavailability of Calcium Lysinate with Calcium Carbonate and Calcium Citrate Malate in Osteopenia Patients. Journal of orthopaedic case reports, 8(4), 15–19.
Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is the bioavailable form of Vitamin D and has been shown to improve Calcium absorption and bone mineralization.

  • Ebeling PR. Vitamin D and bone health: Epidemiologic studies. Bonekey Rep. 2014;3:511. Published 2014 Mar 5. doi:10.1038/bonekey.2014.6.
  • Hill TR, Aspray TJ. The role of vitamin D in maintaining bone health in older people. Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis. 2017;9(4):89-95. doi:10.1177/1759720X17692502
  • Chapuy MC, Arlot ME, Duboeuf F, Brun J, Crouzet B, Arnaud S, Delmas PD, Meunier PJ. Vitamin D3 and calcium to prevent hip fractures in elderly women. N Engl J Med. 1992 Dec 3;327(23):1637-42. doi: 10.1056/NEJM199212033272305. PMID: 1331788.
Vitamin K1

Vitamin K functions in the bone through multiple pathways. Most notably, Vitamin K1 serves as a vital coenzyme for the gamma-glutamyl carboxylase enzyme, which is crucial for the formation of bone proteins.

  • Jaghsi S, Hammoud T, Haddad S. Relation Between Circulating Vitamin K1 and Osteoporosis in the Lumbar Spine in Syrian Post-Menopausal Women. Open Rheumatol J. 2018;12:1-9. Published 2018 Jan 22. doi:10.2174/1874312901812010001
  • Fusaro M, Mereu MC, Aghi A, Iervasi G, Gallieni M. Vitamin K and bone. Clin Cases Miner Bone Metab. 2017;14(2):200-206. doi:10.11138/ccmbm/2017.14.1.200
Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 helps to direct Calcium into the bones and also functions as an antioxidant to protect the bones from oxidative stess.

  • Maresz K. Proper Calcium Use: Vitamin K2 as a Promoter of Bone and Cardiovascular Health. Integr Med (Encinitas). 2015;14(1):34-39.
  • Hu, L., Ji, J., Li, D. et al. The combined effect of vitamin K and calcium on bone mineral density in humans: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Orthop Surg Res 16, 592 (2021).

It has been observed that individuals with higher intakes of Magnesium have greater bone mass density, and that it may help to reduce the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.

  • Stendig-Lindberg G, Tepper R, Leichter I. Trabecular bone density in a two year controlled trial of peroral magnesium in osteoporosis. Magnes Res. 1993 Jun;6(2):155-63. PMID: 8274361.
  • Sojka JE, Weaver CM. Magnesium supplementation and osteoporosis. Nutr Rev. 1995 Mar;53(3):71-4. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.1995.tb01505.x. PMID: 7770187.

Zinc has been shown to support bone remodeling and inhibits cells known as osteoclasts that break down the bones.

  • O'Connor JP, Kanjilal D, Teitelbaum M, Lin SS, Cottrell JA. Zinc as a Therapeutic Agent in Bone Regeneration. Materials (Basel). 2020 May 12;13(10):2211. doi: 10.3390/ma13102211. PMID: 32408474; PMCID: PMC7287917.
  • Nakano M, Nakamura Y, Miyazaki A, Takahashi J. Zinc Pharmacotherapy for Elderly Osteoporotic Patients with Zinc Deficiency in a Clinical Setting. Nutrients. 2021 May 27;13(6):1814. doi: 10.3390/nu13061814. PMID: 34071733; PMCID: PMC8229639.

A copper deficiency has been linked to reduced bone strength. Additionally, Copper is an important addition in supplements that include Zinc because Zinc reduces Copper absorption. 

  • Pepa GD, Brandi ML. Microelements for bone boost: the last but not the least. Clin Cases Miner Bone Metab. 2016 Sep-Dec;13(3):181-185. doi: 10.11138/ccmbm/2016.13.3.181. Epub 2017 Feb 10. PMID: 28228778; PMCID: PMC5318168.
  • Rondanelli M, Faliva MA, Infantino V, Gasparri C, Iannello G, Perna S, Riva A, Petrangolini G, Tartara A, Peroni G. Copper as Dietary Supplement for Bone Metabolism: A Review. Nutrients. 2021 Jun 29;13(7):2246. doi: 10.3390/nu13072246. PMID: 34210051; PMCID: PMC8308383.
BioQuadra™ Bone Strength Complex

BioQuadra combines Cissus Quadrangularis with BioPerine® to improve its bioavailability. Cissus Quadrangularis, which belongs to the grape vine family, can help protect bones and heal fractures faster. It may also prevent osteoporosis from getting worse and aids in using Calcium effectively for bone health.

  • Brahmkshatriya HR, Shah KA, Ananthkumar GB, Brahmkshatriya MH. Clinical evaluation of Cissus quadrangularis as osteogenic agent in maxillofacial fracture: A pilot study. Ayu. 2015 Apr-Jun;36(2):169-73. doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.175542. PMID: 27011718; PMCID: PMC4784127.
  • Kesarwani, K., & Gupta, R. (2013). Bioavailability enhancers of herbal origin: An overview. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 3(4). doi:10.1016/S2221-1691(13)60060-X
Soybean Isoflavone Extract

Soy Isoflavones have been found to mimic natural estrogens and increase bone mass density (BMD), as well as slow down the loss of bone density after menopause.

  • Chi XX, Zhang T. The effects of soy isoflavone on bone density in north region of climacteric Chinese women. J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2013;53(2):102-107. doi:10.3164/jcbn.13-37
  • Barańska A, Kanadys W, Bogdan M, Stępień E, Barczyński B, Kłak A, Augustynowicz A, Szajnik M, Religioni U. The Role of Soy Isoflavones in the Prevention of Bone Loss in Postmenopausal Women: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. J Clin Med. 2022 Aug 10;11(16):4676. doi: 10.3390/jcm11164676. PMID: 36012916; PMCID: PMC9409780.

Boron is another mineral that has been found to benefit bone health. It may increase bone strength and improve bone density in postmenopausal women.

  • Pepa GD, Brandi ML. Microelements for bone boost: the last but not the least. Clin Cases Miner Bone Metab. 2016 Sep-Dec;13(3):181-185. doi: 10.11138/ccmbm/2016.13.3.181. Epub 2017 Feb 10. PMID: 28228778; PMCID: PMC5318168.
  • Chapin RE, Ku WW, Kenney MA, McCoy H. The effects of dietary boric acid on bone strength in rats. Biol Trace Elem Res. 1998 Winter;66(1-3):395-9. doi: 10.1007/BF02783150. PMID: 10050932.

Vanadium is stored in the bones and believed to play a role in bone health. It is extracted from Red Algae for better bioavailability. 

  • Rehder D. Vanadium. Its role for humans. Met Ions Life Sci. 2013;13:139-169. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7500-8_5

*Disclaimer: Results of these studies may not be an implication of future results.

2 Research Verified's Criteria For Effectiveness, Safety and Security

For a product to earn the Research Verified® seal of approval, it must go through a diligent research process. Every product formulated by Research Verified® must have the following criteria. If just one criterion is missing, that's not good enough for our standards.

Every Research Verified® Product Must...

  • Contain only the highest quality ingredients based on the scientific research available.
  • Contain the proper dosage and purity based on clinical studies and/or scientific research.
  • Be manufactured in the USA in an FDA-registered laboratory that is also GMP-certified.
  • Comply with the US Pharmacopeia's standards for quality and purity.
  • Be insured by a third-party monitoring company for consumer protection, such as buySAFE.
  • Only contain raw ingredients that have been third-party tested.
  • Contain no contaminants in the product that might hinder results.

If you're looking for the highest quality product available, turn to Research Verified® first instead of wasting your time on inferior products. Research Verified® is the best choice for quality and comes with a Risk-Free 365-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

What We're Not

You can feel confident that you are getting the highest quality premium product available, hands down, when you buy at Research Verified®. We don't cut any corners or sacrifice quality in any way.

  • We Don't Hide Behind Our Website or Our Labels.
    Unlike many companies, Research Verified® keeps everything transparent. We explain in detail the research we carried out and why each product we chose is the best in its industry. We do not hide behind our labels or website. You can see the entire label of every product with the Research Verified® seal on it.
  • No False Claims or Misleading Facts.
    Research Verified® never uses false claims and does not misrepresent the facts. We'll tell you what's available, what's working, and why. We only quote from actual clinical studies. We'll tell you the facts behind the research and let you decide.
  • No Automatic Shipping or Auto-Billing.
    You can trust any order purchased from Research Verified®. We will never bill your credit card without your knowledge. We will never put you on an auto-ship program. You will be billed only when you place your order and that's it.
  • We Won't Leave You High and Dry.
    Not only do we welcome you in and encourage you to read through our research and information, we invite and welcome any questions you may have. You can email or call us any time. We are here to help you and to provide you with a superior product.

Research Verified® was created to make it easier for consumers to find a high-quality product that they trust and to ensure you get the highest quality product at the best possible price.

3 Risk-Free 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee

If any bone health support supplement is going to work for you, this is it.

We are so confident that this product is going to work that we offer a full one-year guarantee. With a 365-day money-back guarantee, you can be sure that each Research Verified® product is the best and safest option available.

If you're serious about finding the most effective supplement for strong bones, then you should try a product that is serious about helping you achieve your goals. We did extensive research to ensure that we produced the best bone health supplement on the market and are so confident that it's going to work for you, that we're offering you a full year to try it out.

How To Protect Yourself From Bone Health Supplements

How do you know you're buying a quality bone health support supplement? There's only one way and that's through the research. No flashy website, aggressive advertising, or overzealous celebrity is going to tell you what will actually work.

Whenever there's a new "hot" product on the market, hundreds of companies jump on board to create their own version. Many times they disregard the research and put together an inferior product to try to cash in on this new craze. Most of these products don't work and can even be dangerous.

Often, you will see supplement manufacturers making outlandish claims that are unsupported and even claiming to have the best product. So many companies make these claims that it's impossible for you to know who's telling the truth and who's just out to take your money. Here are some things you should look out for...

4 Things To Watch Out For When Buying A Bone Health Support Supplement:


  • 1. Look out for False Claims and Unsupported Facts. Be cautious of products by companies that claim to be the best and don't show you the facts behind their statements or that use fake celebrity endorsements.
  • 2. Avoid "Free Trial" Offers. Many companies offer free trials to hook you in. But once you buy, they make it difficult to cancel and you are stuck paying more than you would have for a better product.
  • 3. Avoid Automatic Rebilling. Many companies will automatically bill your credit card each month and make it difficult to cancel. This is often bundled with "free trial" options.  If they ask for your credit card details, they're probably going to charge you - make sure you know exactly what you're paying for.
  • 4. Avoid Overdosing. Some companies are so excited about new supplements that they try to pack in a very high concentration per day. But taking too much of any supplement can actually be dangerous to your health.

Why Does Research Verified® Have The #1 Bone Health Support Supplement?


Research Verified® was created to meet the needs of consumers wanting the highest quality product at a reasonable price with verified research and science to back it up.

Research Verified® consists of a team of researchers who look at the actual science behind what makes a product work.

We analyze the clinical studies to determine the potency and dosage that will be the most effective. We track down where the highest quality ingredients can be found. We review the CofA's (Certificate of Analysis) of every product. We make sure there are no contaminants in the product like E. coli, S. aureus, Pseudomonas, yeast, and mold that might hinder results.

Our team at Research Verified® found the highest quality ingredients based on scientific data and a stringent research process.

Research Verified®: Trust & Security

  • In addition, Research Verified® has an unprecedented risk-free - 365-day - 100% money-back guarantee. You can feel confident buying from Research Verified® knowing that what you buy is actually going to work.
  • Research Verified® is partnered with buySAFE, the leading online protection agency, to give you a guaranteed shopping experience for total peace of mind over your purchase. As stated by buySAFE, Research Verified's "identity, reputation, experience, financial stability, and ability to honor their sales terms and conditions have been verified by buySAFE."

Risk-Free - 365-Day - 100% Money-Back Guarantee


Risk Free - 365 Day - 100% Money Back Guarantee

In Conclusion - Research Verified® Bone Health Support Exceeds Industry Standards on Multiple Fronts


In summary, Research Verified® Bone Health Support meets all of the criteria listed above. It's the highest-quality bone health supplement on the market. Here's a list of some of the criteria that it meets.

Research Verified® Bone Health Support:

  1. Meets and exceeds all of the strict criteria above.
  2. Contains 1000 mg Cal-X™ Triple Calcium Complex with three types of Calcium to support bone remodeling and density.
  3. Contains Vitamins D3, K1 and K2 to improve Calcium absorption into the bones.
  4. Contains BioQuadra™ Bone Strength Complex with increased bioavailability for helping bones to heal.
  5. Contains Soy Isoflavones for fighting the loss of bone mass density.
  6. Contains bone-supporting minerals from Red Algae such as Vanadium, Zinc, and Copper to help promote strong bones.
  7. Complies with the US Pharmacopeia's quality standards.
  8. Is made in an FDA-registered, cGMP-certified lab that complies with the US Pharmacopeia's quality standards.
  9. Is insured by buySAFE for maximum consumer protection.
  10. Is third-party tested and contains no contaminants that might hinder results.
  11. Has a risk-free 365-day 100% money-back guarantee.

We understand that you have a choice when purchasing supplements. At Research Verified®, our goal is to give you the best bone health support supplement possible from a trusted and verified source.

We are thrilled with the results and are sure that you will be, too! 

Which Bone Health Support Supplement Should You Buy?

We recommend buying the Research Verified® Bone Health Support 6 bottle package because maintaining bone strength is an ongoing process. It meets all of the above criteria and is guaranteed to work, or your money back!

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